The Spiritual Intelligence Podcast
Awaken Your Inner Power

"Deepening our spiritual intelligence helps us experience more love and joy in life, improves our relationships and connects us with the power and wisdom we all have within, awakening our creativity, and enabling us to thrive instead of struggle."

~ Daniel Martinez Stahl

Spiritual Intelligence Podcast (SQ Podcast)

The intention behind The Spiritual Intelligence Podcast is to provide a platform for all of us to deepen our understanding of what it means to be both spirit and human.

We begin each episode by discussing what it means to have inner power, and we explore different aspects of spirituality, while integrating everything back into our daily experience of life, in practical and pragmatic ways. 

Spiritual Intelligence Podcast Badge

About the Spiritual Intelligence Podcast

The SQ Podcast introduces people to different practitioners and light workers that are committed to helping elevate our collective consciousness. From Executive Life Coaches to Spirit Mediums, with everything in between and beyond.

We explore foundational aspects of our spiritual existence, always remembering that we are fundamentally living in a human experience. The intention of the spiritual journey is to enhance our humanity, not to discredit, ignore or disregard aspects of our human nature. 

Even when we may explore some of the more fantastical aspects of the spiritual realm, our intention is always to ground it back into our daily lives, to help us all live better and easier lives, with more joy, peace and love.

The episode length is targeted to be approximately 60 minutes, though there are times when we get distracted and go a bit longer. The longest interview so far has been episode seven with Shannon Johnson, which was 1h46m and resulted in it being published in two parts.

SQ Podcast Online and LBF Social Media Links

Email: Explore@LifeBeyondForm.com

Facebook: @LifeBeyondForm
Facebook Group: @SpiritualExplorers
Twitter: @LifeBeyondForm
Instagram: @LifeBeyondForm
LinkedIn: LinkedIn.com/in/danielmartinezstahl
YouTube: YouTube.com/channel/UCgQ1OZkvl_1xmVEvDBHJ1TQ


The SQ Podcast is FREE to listen to and advertisement-free. However, the show can be supported via Patreon and Ko-Fi, or by purchasing merchandise via the TeePublic Merch Storefront.

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SQPodcast
Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/sqpodcast
TeePublic: https://www.teepublic.com/user/truelifequest

Who is the SQ Podcast for?

The Spiritual Intelligence Podcast is intended for anyone and everyone that is interested in improving the quality of their life, who also happens to be interested in deepening their understanding of our spiritual nature. 

Or it can also be said the other way around. This podcast is for people who want to explore our spiritual nature, understand more about what exists beyond the form, and are also interested in improving their quality of life.

It is for people who want to improve the relationship between their spirit and body. For those that appreciate that there is a symbiotic relationship between they body and soul and of the importance of finding a balance between elevating their level of consciousness and grounding into their human experience.

Accompanying SQ Community Membership

For people that want to go beyond the SQ Podcast and explore more deeply into the concepts and ideas that are presented throughout the Podcast, they can join the accompanying SQ Community membership, where Daniel Martinez Stahl will lead integration sessions, spiritual exploration sessions and guest speakers are brought into to offer discovery opportunities to expand our current level of understanding. 

Listener Statistics as of 21-July-2021

  • Total Downloads: 1015
  • Approximately 75% of the listeners are from United States.
  • Listeners span across more than 26 countries, including: Mexico, Cyprus, United Kingdom, Taiwan, Germany, India, New Zealand, Canada, Colombia, Australia, Brazil, Turkey, South Africa, Spain, Norway, Guatemala, Italy, Kenya, Philippines, United Arab Emirates, Armenia, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Israel, Portugal and more.


Accessibility and Additional Formats

Full transcripts are available for viewing in a scrolling text field and for download as a PDF in the description page of each respective episode.

A YouTube link to the raw video of the interview is available in the summary of each episode and a video rendition of the edited audio files are also available in a separate playlist in the YouTube channel. 


Sample Episodes ~ Click on the purple title for more information about each episode:

Daniel Martinez Stahl Channeling Spirit Virtual Summit Bio Pic

About the Creator and Host

Daniel Martinez Stahl works with people who want to thrive in this life, with the willingness and courage to question conventional ideas and a desire to look within to access the power of their infinite potential. People who are driven to improve their life by exploring what it means to be both spirit and human; who have a curiosity about life itself, of how the mind works and about the relationship between their body, mind and spirit.

Daniel Martinez Stahl has played in the corporate world, in the world of psychology and now his adventure is taking him into the world of Spirit. Throughout his life, he has lived in the Americas, in Europe and in Asia. But now finds himself in the States, for the time being, while he is taking care of his aging mother, whom he loves dearly. She has been an amazing mother throughout his life, always there when he needed her, so he is happy to spend time with her and help her during these final years, however long that will be. 

For fun, Daniel has loved alpine skiing, even though it's been years since the last time he carved a turn in the snow, he has dabbled in photography (mostly only when he travels now), and loves to dance Argentine Tango, which he has done since 1994.

Please contact me if you have any questions, comments or are looking for more information.

If you want to feature the Spiritual Intelligence Podcast in an upcoming publication or would like to interview me about the show, I'm honored and grateful. Please reach out to me via email at Explore@LifeBeyondForm.com or through the get help contact form (?) found on the lower right corner of this website.


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