The Spiritual Intelligence Podcast
Awaken Your Inner Power

"Because our emotions are the shadow of our thoughts at any given moment, any feeling of upset is like a red flag that we are innocently giving attention to thoughts that are leading us into distress. Our emotions can be seen as a warning system that lets us know when we are using thought in a way that is taking us away from our innate well-being."

~ Daniel Martinez Stahl

Spiritual Intelligence Podcast ~ Awaken Your Inner Power

Welcome to the 26th episode ~ where Daniel Martinez Stahl explores the third lesson of his free online course, The Secrets of Life and the Mind Revealed.

This sixth lesson, Understanding Thought (Part 2), continues with the description of Thought and the role it plays with how we experience life. In this episode, we go over how the thoughts we focus on create more of the same, and how our emotions, which are a reflection of our thoughts, are a guiding system and will inform us if we are moving towards or away from our innate well-being. 

The PDF of the full course is available and you can also access the original written course at: 


YouTube Video of Podcast Audio

Daniel Martinez Stahl

The Secrets of Life and the Mind Revealed

A Nine–Lesson Roadmap to Understand & Transform Life

Discover the elements that make our experience possible, recognize common misunderstandings and learn how the mind actually works. These nine lessons are designed to provide a foundational understanding of life so that we can participate more fully in the creation of our lives, to help all of us live more effortlessly and with more compassion for ourselves and others. In addition to sharing a description of the mechanism that creates our experience of life, the course also exposes how our mind works.

By recognizing the elements working behind-the-scenes of life and understanding how our mind works, it makes it a lot easier to navigate around common misunderstandings that often cause us more distress and allow us to influence the direction of our life towards more joy, clarity, compassion, well-being and love.

Website: www.DanielMartinezStahl.com/courses/29002-free-course

PDF of the Complete Course: The Secrets of Life and the Mind Revealed


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Daniel Martinez Stahl Channeling Spirit Virtual Summit Bio Pic

Daniel Martinez Stahl works with people who want to thrive in this life, with the willingness and courage to question conventional ideas and a desire to look within to access the power of their infinite potential. People who are driven to improve their life by exploring what it means to be both spirit and human; who have a curiosity about life itself, of how the mind works and about the relationship between their body, mind and spirit. Fundamentally, someone who is committed to change their life to a new normal by aligning with their higher self, innate well-being and inner wisdom. 

For more information go to: www.LifeBeyondForm.com 

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